Thursday 21 May 2015



What has made a difference to my learning this year so far ?
Being pushed more than my old school.

How do I learn best ?
In silence because there's nothing to distract me.

What have I found challenging this year so far ? How did I overcome this ?
By being pushed more and I stuck my head down and got on with my work.

How do I reflect on my learning ? What do I do ?
I look back thru my books and see what I can work on.

What are the successes I have had this year ?
I have learn't how to infer and learn't how to do decimals.

What groups, teams,and extra activities have I been involved with this year ?
I have been involved in the softball braves and the 11th grade rugby team.

What is the most important skill I will take through the rest of the year ?
Working faster in class and staying on task.

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