Wednesday 25 March 2015

Term 1 Inquiry - Refugees

Write a definition of a refugee?
A refugee is someone who is forced from their home because of war or a natural disaster and they flee to another country.

What challenges do refugees face when leaving their homeland?
Leaving their friends that they have lived with for most of their lives. Plus finding water, food, a home and a place where they won’t necessarily be killed.

What challenges do refugees face when arriving in a new country?
Finding a home that they can live in and they can stay alive in and won’t get killed. Fitting into the community of Refugees and making good friends.

Can you spot a refugee in a crowd? Explain your answer.
No you would not know a refugee in a crowd because it could just be an innocent person.

Write a definition of what it means to belong.
Belonging is like a family because if you are in a family you belong to that family. It’s like Southwell school. All the children who come to Southwell are a part of the Southwell family.

How can you and others help to create a sense of belonging within New Zealand for refugees?
We should let more refugees into the country and they will have more of a sense of belonging because all the New Zealanders will be used to all the refugees coming into New Zealand.

Should New Zealand always accept 750 refugees a year as per quota? More or less? Explain your view.
We should increase the number of refugees coming into New Zealand because if you were a refugee you would want to get out of that situation and get to another country.  

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