Tuesday 16 June 2015

The Magical Ways of Bamboo

Bamboo is the future for our building industry. It is a wild plant so we won’t run out of it. Bamboo will treat you well if you use it right.

Not many people know that Bamboo grows in ravines, lives off water and sunlight. With this nutrition it can grow one meter in three days. This is why bamboo is a sustainable product to use. It is a resource which we will never run out of because it grows faster than we can use it. 

Bamboo is easy to cut down and light to carry. This is partly due to it being hollow therefore it is flexible when you are building. On the island of Bali strange as it may seem houses are made entirely of Bamboo. These houses are tall multi storied structures which usually have tall windows for air conditioning. Most often the roofs are curved to catch the nice cool breeze and if it rains then the weaved roofs transport the water to certain points. One of the reasons to use bamboo to build your home is because it is earthquake proof and it is as strong as steel and concrete.

In conclusion bamboo is the most sustainable product on earth to build a long lasting house. These houses will save lives because of how many quality houses we can build at a low cost. Plus we can make these bamboo houses all over the earth and stop using up resources which we can not replace.

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