Monday 22 June 2015

My Iearning 2015 term 2

What has made a difference to my learning this year so far?
Staying on task and getting my homework done in time.

How do I learn best?
I focus best when I’m listening to music by myself. I like to be learn new things by doing stuff instead of listening.

What have I found challenging this year so far? How did I overcome this?
I have found all the work hard because it is a lot of work that I’m not used to. I found boarding very challenging in Term 1. I am used to it now and I am enjoying myself.

How do I reflect on my learning? What do I do?
I compare my work with someone else, check the success criteria and ask Miss McGarva for help if I need it. I write notes in my books if I get something wrong so I remember how to it for next time. I write blog entries about my learning.

What are the success I have had so far this year?
Staying on task and getting my work done on time. I am proud of my bamboo explanation. I scored the first try for my team this rugby season. I enjoyed learning the dances and being part of Bugsy. I loved building the house model in technology.

What groups, teams and extra activities have I been involved in this year?
  • 11th grade rugby
  • Recycling monitor
  • Softball

What is the most important skill I will take through the rest of this year?
Managing my time wisely and not leaving things to the last minute.

The Habit of Mind I need to focus on in Term 3 is ...
I need to strive for accuracy because at the moment I’m not putting 100% effort into my work. I especially need to focus on reading and writing.

I am a hard working student during class time and I am on task most of the time. I need to work on my writing because I am only just at the standard but I enjoy writing most of the time. I am very good at making my hooks interesting.

My next steps are ...

  • Elaborate - provide more description, information, examples.
  • Create vivid images
  • Deliberately choose precise vocabulary for effect. Using a thesaurus will help with this.
  • Maintain consistent tense
  • Edit to gain greater audience appeal.
  • Proof read to eliminate spelling errors.

I do like reading most of the time. If I have a good book that I really enjoy I'll be reading every chance I get. If I don't like the book that much I'm not really interested in reading. One of the
skills I've picked up this year is how to infer from pictures, music videos and in stories.

My next steps are...
  • Use inference skills to help gain meaning beyond the surface of a text.
  • Answer evaluation questions which require me to deduce information not given directly in the text.
  • Find meaning in context by looking at the way the word is used in the sentence.
  • Read regularly and select a wide range of reading material.

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