Wednesday 2 December 2015

Book challenge summary of Tombstone Twins

There were some twins that drowned in a toilet.There names were Skully and Dedbert. When they died their spirits went to dead school.There first day of school didn’t go that well because they got bullied by Rotto we don’t know how he died but it must had been hard for him to die.

Then one day the whole school heard some rumbling.
So they teleported to the real world but only had one hour.

When they got to the real world they saw a bulldozer so they had to stop it from bulldozing down the graveyard. So the twins went back to the dead world and got help to go back up and make it look like the graveyard was haunted.

So they went back up to the real world and scared the bulldozer driver so much he ran off and never dared to come back.

Book Challenge Cartoon Strip

Wednesday 16 September 2015

social media writing

“Knock, knock.” I heard on the door. I opened it.”Are you jeff williams and do you go to southwell school.”Who are you?”I’m the person you have been chatting with online”.What! I thought, I have only been messaging Gemma who is a 13 year old girl. Certainly not this old man.I thought to myself how did he find me.This is the danger of having social media account and is not a private page.So this is why i’m going to perswade you why not have a social media account.

Firstly they can still find out who you are. By “they” I mean people that either hate you and are stalking you. Or something you have done. Or you've done something on social media and they are trying to catch you in the act.

Secondly don’t give away your personal details like your address, phone number and most of all don’t give away your name. Why  you ask because it leads people to you and they could potentially murder you. If you didn’t have social media you wouldn’t be stalked or tracted.

Thirdly don’t become desperate and want a boy or girl friend. Then boom you’ve been tricked into a fake person and they pick you up and you never come back. Then you wish you never have had met them and never had social media.

Fourthly be careful what you say on social media. Nothing embarrassing or nothing mean that could make them what revenge and then they start stalking you.    

In conclusion do you really need a social media account or not? If I was you I certainly wouldn’t get it. I wouldn’t so I can’t get stalked or murdered. So think about it, Do you need social media?

Saturday 5 September 2015

Slide the Corner Summary, Chapters 17,18

Greg and his teacher Mr Shepherd were a kilometre into the second stage of a rally when Mr Shepherd called a sharp right. Greg got around the corner without style but with no problems.

A bit further on Greg saw some spectators on the brow of the hill. Then it sank in! He hit the breaks because he realised the spectators were there to help if something went wrong as it must be a high crash area. Anyway Greg was too late to slow down, he went over the brow too fast and there was a sharp corner. He went down the bank on the other side. The spectators were there in seconds saying, "Stay in the car." Then 15 seconds later Greg and Mr Shepherd were on the road again thanks to the spectators' help. From there they took it slow and steady rather than fast and reckless.

In the last stage Greg and Mr Shepherd bet the purple mini by two seconds and Greg was slower than the yellow mini by four seconds. Greg and Mr Shepherd were bouncing around in excitement because they had beaten a car while Greg was the rally driver. Then on top of that eight cars didn't finish the stage so Greg and Mr Shepherd bet nine cars overall. To their surprise they came 24th.

When Greg and Mr Shepherd got back to Greg's place there was a surprise waiting for them. Brad, Holly and Annabel were there. Brad went on about how he thought Greg was dead because he hadn't phoned to say how he went in the rally. For the rest of the afternoon Greg told Brad, Holly and his parents how he went.

Greg realised that the holidays had arrived, normally he counts down the days until the holidays because he used to hate school. But Greg was so busy with rallies and his friends he didn't even think about the holidays. Greg went to Brad's house and asked if he could do some work as there were no rallies on in the holidays. Brad said that he could find him some work and some money.

Greg decided to upgrade his competition licence so if Brad had to go to another wedding or something on a national rally day then Greg would be able to do the rally driving.

The next morning Greg found out that his parents were going to Palmerston North. It was hard for his mother to leave him and William alone at the house. In the end she went and left them by themselves. William was the chef who served pineapple every night. Even when Greg paid for them to go out for dinner, William still got pineapple for his dinner! After dinner Megan and Greg went to the movies and Megan thought it was kind of a date but Greg liked her as a friend not a girlfriend.

Then the planning for the second National Champs got underway.

                                                          Question of the week

Why does Greg not want Megan to be his girlfriend?

Because Megan is part of the pit crew and loves rallies just like Greg. Megan is a mate to Greg and he might just want Megan as a friend that is a girl or just isn't ready for a girlfriend.

Wednesday 19 August 2015

                                                    The Chinese
                                    Image result for chinese flag    
                The flag of China was officially adopted on October 1, 1949. The red of the Chinese flag symbolizes the communist revolution, and it's also the traditional color of the people. The large gold star represents communism, while the four smaller stars represent the social classes of the people. 
The capital city of China Beijing   
    1. Beijing, China’s massive capital, has history stretching back  more than 3 million years. Yet it’s known as much for its modern architecture as its ancient sites such as the grand Forbidden City complex, the imperial palace during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Nearby, the massive Tiananmen Square pedestrian plaza is site of Mao Zedong’s mausoleum and the National Museum of China, displaying a vast collection of cultural relics.

Sunday 16 August 2015

Term 3 2015 Speech

Boom I was told I had to do a speech.I'd never done a speech before so it was all new to me.I was stuck on what I could do my speech on. Then Miss Mcgarva told me that I should do my speech on Why it's better living in the country than in the city.So I said to myself why not I know a lot about the country so it will be easier than anything else.So I did.

   When I started I found it a bit harder than I thought it was going to be.Then my speech was way to short and got some help from mum and dad then it was long enough.In the end I got it all in between 3-4 minutes.But the only thing was that on the day when I did my speech in front of the class. I mumbled.It was a real bummer because I had a pretty good speech but I know for next year not to mumble.    

Monday 22 June 2015

My Iearning 2015 term 2

What has made a difference to my learning this year so far?
Staying on task and getting my homework done in time.

How do I learn best?
I focus best when I’m listening to music by myself. I like to be learn new things by doing stuff instead of listening.

What have I found challenging this year so far? How did I overcome this?
I have found all the work hard because it is a lot of work that I’m not used to. I found boarding very challenging in Term 1. I am used to it now and I am enjoying myself.

How do I reflect on my learning? What do I do?
I compare my work with someone else, check the success criteria and ask Miss McGarva for help if I need it. I write notes in my books if I get something wrong so I remember how to it for next time. I write blog entries about my learning.

What are the success I have had so far this year?
Staying on task and getting my work done on time. I am proud of my bamboo explanation. I scored the first try for my team this rugby season. I enjoyed learning the dances and being part of Bugsy. I loved building the house model in technology.

What groups, teams and extra activities have I been involved in this year?
  • 11th grade rugby
  • Recycling monitor
  • Softball

What is the most important skill I will take through the rest of this year?
Managing my time wisely and not leaving things to the last minute.

The Habit of Mind I need to focus on in Term 3 is ...
I need to strive for accuracy because at the moment I’m not putting 100% effort into my work. I especially need to focus on reading and writing.

I am a hard working student during class time and I am on task most of the time. I need to work on my writing because I am only just at the standard but I enjoy writing most of the time. I am very good at making my hooks interesting.

My next steps are ...

  • Elaborate - provide more description, information, examples.
  • Create vivid images
  • Deliberately choose precise vocabulary for effect. Using a thesaurus will help with this.
  • Maintain consistent tense
  • Edit to gain greater audience appeal.
  • Proof read to eliminate spelling errors.

I do like reading most of the time. If I have a good book that I really enjoy I'll be reading every chance I get. If I don't like the book that much I'm not really interested in reading. One of the
skills I've picked up this year is how to infer from pictures, music videos and in stories.

My next steps are...
  • Use inference skills to help gain meaning beyond the surface of a text.
  • Answer evaluation questions which require me to deduce information not given directly in the text.
  • Find meaning in context by looking at the way the word is used in the sentence.
  • Read regularly and select a wide range of reading material.

Tuesday 16 June 2015

The Magical Ways of Bamboo

Bamboo is the future for our building industry. It is a wild plant so we won’t run out of it. Bamboo will treat you well if you use it right.

Not many people know that Bamboo grows in ravines, lives off water and sunlight. With this nutrition it can grow one meter in three days. This is why bamboo is a sustainable product to use. It is a resource which we will never run out of because it grows faster than we can use it. 

Bamboo is easy to cut down and light to carry. This is partly due to it being hollow therefore it is flexible when you are building. On the island of Bali strange as it may seem houses are made entirely of Bamboo. These houses are tall multi storied structures which usually have tall windows for air conditioning. Most often the roofs are curved to catch the nice cool breeze and if it rains then the weaved roofs transport the water to certain points. One of the reasons to use bamboo to build your home is because it is earthquake proof and it is as strong as steel and concrete.

In conclusion bamboo is the most sustainable product on earth to build a long lasting house. These houses will save lives because of how many quality houses we can build at a low cost. Plus we can make these bamboo houses all over the earth and stop using up resources which we can not replace.

Monday 8 June 2015

Bugsy Malone

Who was I?
This year for Drama we did Bugsy Malone. I was the dummy that sits on the ventriloquist’s knee.

Did I enjoy it?
I really enjoyed my part because it was my first big production so I wouldn’t have cared what part I got.

What was my favourite line?
My favourite line was, “I’ll punch that sucker in the nose”. I liked that bit so much because then I actually got to swing at him. But I didn’t actually hit Oscar.   

What was my favourite part in Bugsy?
My favourite part was when the bad guys had to do their dance. Since I was the dummy I was in the front. So I had to lead it. In the end I really enjoyed performing and I can’t wait to do another production.

Thursday 21 May 2015



What has made a difference to my learning this year so far ?
Being pushed more than my old school.

How do I learn best ?
In silence because there's nothing to distract me.

What have I found challenging this year so far ? How did I overcome this ?
By being pushed more and I stuck my head down and got on with my work.

How do I reflect on my learning ? What do I do ?
I look back thru my books and see what I can work on.

What are the successes I have had this year ?
I have learn't how to infer and learn't how to do decimals.

What groups, teams,and extra activities have I been involved with this year ?
I have been involved in the softball braves and the 11th grade rugby team.

What is the most important skill I will take through the rest of the year ?
Working faster in class and staying on task.

Sunday 17 May 2015

Book Character Day

Book Character Day Today was Book Character Day and I went as Greg Heffley from Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney Then later on we had a Lit Quiz. I’m in Lincoln and we came 6th. I was a bit disappointed because I thought we could’ve done better, but we didn’t.At the end of the day, as usual, I lost something. That was my hands for my costume. I hoped I would find them.

Thursday 14 May 2015

Apostrophe slide show

<iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="480" height="299" allowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true"></iframe>

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Character writing

My special person is an outdoors person. He wears overalls that are as green as grass. He has black hair and has gumboots that are as black as his hair. He wears cool glasses and he has sun glasses that has glasses in them. He is as tall as a tree plus he has four legged animals. He has a business and loves to spend time with me.Both on our 70 hectare block or finishing my house in the trees.

Saturday 2 May 2015

100 word cheallenge

One morning I got up and had some breakfast.But there was one thing I couldn't decide so I asked my mum.She said" that I should have some cornflakes".So I did.When I opened the box and I herd some music. I wondered what it was for a second. But then I looked down into the box and there it was the cornflake that was shaped like a lion that was so funny that it was dancing around in the box until it put its head through the drum.This was so Exciting for me that I had to tell my friends.

Thursday 26 March 2015

Grandparents' Day

My Poppa's name is Ash and the biggest accomplishment in his life was having four awesome children and so far, four very special grandchildren. My Poppa was also a primary school teacher for forty-five years, and shaped the lives of thousands of children.

My Poppa's biggest adversity was facing a battle against cancer. He overcame this with surgery and treatment and went on to live a full and happy life. The main thing Poppa learned from this was to live life to the fullest.

The biggest thing that Poppa wants for his grandchildren is to study hard, aim high, be a good person and live life to the fullest.

I learnt that times are different to when my Poppa was young and I have a lot more opportunities available to me and I need to make the most of these opportunities.   

I think that my Poppa is very special to me because he has taught me lots and has supported me through my life.

My Poppa lives in the South Island and couldn't be at Grandparent's day so my aunty came instead of Poppa.

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The Magic of Three

This technique involves the convention in which series of three sensory hits (involving any of the three senses) are provided in a way the builds tension-the third hint leading directly to a revelation.
  1. You hear a sound.You look nothing. You dismiss it.
  2. You see a fleeting shadow. Again you try to figure it out what it was, but you don’t notice anything unusual. Still you start to worry.
  3. You feel something brush past you. You turn. There it is! (revelation)
When using the magic of three, authors use red flag words or phrases to grab the reader’s attention, to build suspense and to let the reader know that something important will happen. For example, All of a sudden.

Here is my example:

In the blink of an eye I heard something on the side of the boat. I had a look but I still had no idea what it was so I decided I must have been imagining things and went back to bed.

Just then I could feel something scraping the side of the boat so I went over to the side of the boat again but I still didn’t know what it was. So I went back to bed again but I couldn’t go back to sleep because I was too anxious.

To my surprise I saw a shadow so I got up again and realised that we had broken away from our anchor and were up against the rocks. The scratching was the boat crashing into the rocks.

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Term 1 Inquiry - Refugees

Write a definition of a refugee?
A refugee is someone who is forced from their home because of war or a natural disaster and they flee to another country.

What challenges do refugees face when leaving their homeland?
Leaving their friends that they have lived with for most of their lives. Plus finding water, food, a home and a place where they won’t necessarily be killed.

What challenges do refugees face when arriving in a new country?
Finding a home that they can live in and they can stay alive in and won’t get killed. Fitting into the community of Refugees and making good friends.

Can you spot a refugee in a crowd? Explain your answer.
No you would not know a refugee in a crowd because it could just be an innocent person.

Write a definition of what it means to belong.
Belonging is like a family because if you are in a family you belong to that family. It’s like Southwell school. All the children who come to Southwell are a part of the Southwell family.

How can you and others help to create a sense of belonging within New Zealand for refugees?
We should let more refugees into the country and they will have more of a sense of belonging because all the New Zealanders will be used to all the refugees coming into New Zealand.

Should New Zealand always accept 750 refugees a year as per quota? More or less? Explain your view.
We should increase the number of refugees coming into New Zealand because if you were a refugee you would want to get out of that situation and get to another country.